Dealing with Oil Stains on Your Driveway

If you have had an oil or grease spill on your driveway, you may be frustrated with the appearance of your driveway and wonder about the best ways to get it looking like new. This is a common problem for many property owners, so rest assured that you are not alone in your desire to make that spill, and its aftermath, disappear. Luckily, there are several simple steps that you can take to both clean your driveway and protect it against further damage. 

How Oil Damages Driveways

Some may wonder why it’s important to clean up oil and grease spills in the driveway- after all, it’s outside! Won’t the rain wash it off? Unfortunately, large oil, grease or petroleum spills must be cleaned up quickly, as allowing those substances to sit on the asphalt for long periods of time can soften the pavement. When this happens, it can eventually lead to the formation of holes, cracks, and other driveway damage. Not to mention, regular driveway cleaning and maintenance will improve your property’s curb appeal, impede the growth of weeds, and boost your driveway’s durability and longevity. 

How To Clean Driveway Oil Stains

When your driveway has suffered from an oil stain, there are a few steps you can take immediately to clean the area and protect your driveway. Acting quickly when a spill happens will give you a better chance of bolstering the look and continued durability of your property.

  • Wash It Off. Spray down the affected area with a hose or power washer to get excess oil or grease off of the driveway. Keep in mind that power washers can gouge and scratch the asphalt if you get too close to the asphalt with too much pressure, especially around the edges of the driveway.
  • Bust Out the Cleaning Products. Apply a degreaser to the stain, scrub with a brush, and rinse the product off. You can try a variety of household products for this and see which are most effective for you, including Simple Green, Dawn dish soap, baking soda, oven cleaner, and others. Whatever degreasing agent you try, be sure to follow the directions on the product.

Sealcoat To Protect Against Future Spills

Once you’ve done everything you can to clean the affected area, consider sealcoating the entire driveway to help hide the stain. You should wait about 1 month after the spill to do this, because the oil needs some time to wear down or the sealcoat will not adhere. Since Sealcoat is a water-based product, it will not stick to fresh oil. Before sealcoating, a professional should apply a prep and bonding agent to the oil spill area, and then sealcoat the entire driveway to provide the most seamless finish possible. It’s important to note that sealcoating will not perfectly hide the stain, and you will likely still see a “shadow” of the spill area; however, the look and longevity of your driveway will be much improved.

Trust Maintain It All With Your Driveway Needs 

At Maintain It All, we’re experts at exterior building maintenance, and we have the experience and professional tools to care for your property. When your home, commercial building or driveway is in need of exterior cleaning or maintenance, we’re proud to provide thorough, friendly service that will leave you feeling like you have a brand new space. If you have questions about driveway oil spills or would like to schedule a service, contact us today and we’ll get to work for you.

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