When Driveway Patching Is the Right Choice

Sometimes, only one or a few areas of your driveway may fail while the rest is in good condition. If this is the case, you do not need to invest in a whole new driveway. These individual areas can be replaced with a new layer of asphalt for a fraction of the cost. 

The Process of Driveway Patching

To ensure the most effective results, hot asphalt driveway patching follows a specific process:

  1. Cut out and remove the damaged asphalt area so the new asphalt can be flush and level with the existing surface. Full depth saw cuts are required for a proper bond and long-lasting patch. 
  2. Repair any sub-base issues.
  3. Install hot asphalt at a minimum thickness of 2 inches
  4. After the patch has cured for about a week, you can sealcoat the entire driveway to help the patch blend in with the surrounding pavement.

Note: Once an asphalt patch is completed, it will stand out from the existing driveway due to its deep black color, texture, and the saw cut seams. Even after sealcoating, a patch will still be somewhat noticeable.

DIY vs. Professional Patching

Most homeowners may be familiar with “cold patch”, which you can purchase at Home Depot or Lowe’s. This material is only designed for minor temporary repairs. Poorly-executed driveway patching can lead to several problems including:

  • Unpleasant bumps
  • The temporary material only last a short time
  • More severe potholes over time
  • Tripping hazards
  • Additional costs in the long run

On the flip side, professional hot asphalt driveway patches are permanent and will last the lifetime of the driveway. This hot mix asphalt is a much better choice than cold patching and must be applied by trained maintenance technicians.

What Does a Patch Look Like After Sealcoating? 

No matter what, a new pad of asphalt will still be noticeable even after sealcoating due to the different texture and new deep black color. It may take many years and several coats of sealer before they blend completely. While patching is an excellent option if your driveway has only a few problem areas, you have to repave the entire driveway if you are looking to achieve a seamless and uniform look.

To learn more about how driveway patching can improve the look of your property, call Maintain It All for a free estimate. 

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